J. Vaisutis

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Gatunki literackie: Podróżnicze

J. Vaisutis - popularne książki: Queensland & the Great Barrier Reef, Fiji TSK 7e, Indonesia TSK 8e,

J. Vaisutis - najnowsze książki: Indonesia TSK 8e, Fiji TSK 7e, Queensland & the Great Barrier Reef,

12 osób chce przeczytać książki autora

J. Vaisutis - twórczość

Okładka - Indonesia TSK 8e
Indonesia TSK 8e

Offers a comprehensive coverage of the archipelago, from tourist hot-spots to remote outposts. This book provides information on where to hike, surf, dive, swim, watch wildlife and get massaged and pampered...czytaj dalej

Okładka - Fiji TSK 7e
Fiji TSK 7e

Lonely Planet's guide to Fiji covers all aspects of this most-popular of Pacific Island travel destinations. Bula and welcome to the diverse islands of Fiji! There are white-sandy islands here perfect for...czytaj dalej

Okładka - Queensland & the Great Barrier Reef
Queensland & the Great Barrier Reef

Admit it: you're here for the beaches, aren't you? Sure, we all know that Queensland's also got great dining, a thriving, accessible indigenous culture and a healthy international vibe. But it's the sun-kissed...czytaj dalej
