J. Muscolino

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Gatunki literackie: Medycyna i zdrowie

J. Muscolino - popularne książki: Flashcards for Bones Joints & Actions of the Human Body, Kinesiology,

J. Muscolino - najnowsze książki: Flashcards for Bones Joints & Actions of the Human Body, Kinesiology,

5 osób chce przeczytać książki autora

J. Muscolino - twórczość

Okładka - Flashcards for Bones Joints & Actions of the Human Body
Flashcards for Bones Joints & Actions of the Human Body

These handy flashcards are the ultimate learning tool for students who are studying bones, joints, muscle actions, and kinesiology. Using actual bone photos instead of drawings, these cards provide students...czytaj dalej

Okładka - Kinesiology

This complete, full-color atlas of bones and joints contains over 700 illustrations and explains how muscles function as movers, antagonists, and stabilizers so readers will truly understand how muscles function...czytaj dalej
