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Gatunki literackie: Informatyczne, Inne, Socjologia, filozofia, Ekonomia

Harrington - popularne książki: Relational Database Design Clearly, Encyclopedia of Social Theory, English Civil War Fortifications, How to Wow with PowerPoint, Risk Management & Insurance,

Harrington - najnowsze książki: How to Wow with PowerPoint, English Civil War Fortifications, Relational Database Design Clearly, Encyclopedia of Social Theory, Risk Management & Insurance,

12 osób chce przeczytać książki autora

Harrington - twórczość

Okładka - How to Wow with PowerPoint
How to Wow with PowerPoint

Nearly everyone has had to create PowerPoint presentations, often on an impossible deadline. In addition, who hasn't snoozed through many long, dull presentations filled with unattractive, unreadable slides...czytaj dalej

Okładka - English Civil War Fortifications
English Civil War Fortifications

The techniques of warfare were transformed during the 15th and 16th centuries by the use of gunpowder and by substantial progress in the effectiveness and destructive power of artillery. Consequently new methods...czytaj dalej

Okładka - Relational Database Design Clearly
Relational Database Design Clearly

Fully revised and updated, Relational Database Design, Second Edition is the most lucid and effective introduction to relational database design available. Here, you'll find the conceptual and practical information...czytaj dalej

Okładka - Encyclopedia of Social Theory
Encyclopedia of Social Theory

The Encyclopedia of Social Theory jest niezbędnym źródłem informacji dla każdego, kto jest zainteresowany współczesnymi teoriami społecznymi. Publikacja wyraźnie przypatruje się globalnemu krajobrazowi wraz...czytaj dalej

Okładka - Risk Management & Insurance
Risk Management & Insurance

Since the 1990s, textbooks have begun to promote a stronger business risk management component while maintaining a consumer orientation. This work takes the next step, offering the essential aspects of insurance...czytaj dalej
