Fuyumi Soryo

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Gatunki literackie: Dla dzieci, Komiksy, Dla młodzieży, Literatura piękna

Fuyumi Soryo - popularne książki: Mars 7, Mars - 15, Mars 6, Cesare tom 1, Mars 9,

Fuyumi Soryo - najnowsze książki: Cesare tom 1, ES: Eternal Sabbath tom 8, ES: Eternal Sabbath tom 7, ES: Eternal Sabbath tom 6, ES: Eternal Sabbath tom 5,

Średnia ocena książek Fuyumi Soryo: 5.09/6

32 osób przeczytało książki autora

65 osób chce przeczytać książki autora

Fuyumi Soryo - twórczość

Okładka - Cesare tom 1
Cesare tom 1

Poznajcie Angelo z Canossy - niewinnego i utalentowanego studenta uniwersytetu w Pizie. Nieświadom świata polityki, poprzez znajomość z Cesare'em Borgia zaczyna przekraczać granicę pomiędzy przepełnionym nauką...czytaj dalej

Okładka - ES: Eternal Sabbath tom 8
ES: Eternal Sabbath tom 8

Isaac is dying–and he’s determined to take as many people with him as possible. This psychotic superbeing is using mind control to unleash chaos and destruction on Tokyo. Only Shuro, his clone brother...czytaj dalej

Okładka - ES: Eternal Sabbath tom 7
ES: Eternal Sabbath tom 7

Shuro and Isaac are brothers who were created in a terrifying genetic engineering experiment. But now they’re at war. Shuro wants to learn to live with humankind, while Isaac’s rage is sending him...czytaj dalej

Okładka - ES: Eternal Sabbath tom 6
ES: Eternal Sabbath tom 6

Dr. Mine Kujyou is out to save the world. She’s determined to stop Isaac, a genetically engineered superbeing, from destroying humanity. But her quest has led her somewhere unexpected: to an ordinary...czytaj dalej

Okładka - ES: Eternal Sabbath tom 5
ES: Eternal Sabbath tom 5

Neuroscientist Mine Kujyou has devoted her life to the pursuit of knowledge. When she met Shuro, a genetically engineered superhuman with extraordinary psychic powers, she thought she’d found the ultimate...czytaj dalej

Okładka - ES: Eternal Sabbath tom 4
ES: Eternal Sabbath tom 4

Isaac and Shuro are the products of a monstrous genetic-engineering experiment. Dr. Mine Kujyou, a scientist researching this dangerous subject, knows that they were created with the superhuman ability to control...czytaj dalej

Okładka - ES: Eternal Sabbath tom 3
ES: Eternal Sabbath tom 3

What does it mean to be human? Dr. Mine Kujyou thought she knew, but then she met Isaac and Shuro–genetically engineered superhumans who can read minds and control people with their thoughts. For support...czytaj dalej

Okładka - ES: Eternal Sabbath tom 2
ES: Eternal Sabbath tom 2

Mine Kujyou is a brilliant and beautiful scientist who has unlocked some of the darkest secrets of the human mind. But she’s about to discover the hard way what the mind is really capable of. Mine joins...czytaj dalej
