C. Burr

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Gatunki literackie: Literatura piękna

C. Burr - popularne książki: Emperor of Scent A Story of Perfume Obsession & the Last,

C. Burr - najnowsze książki: Emperor of Scent A Story of Perfume Obsession & the Last,

2 osób chce przeczytać książki autora

C. Burr - twórczość

Okładka - Emperor of Scent A Story of Perfume Obsession & the Last
Emperor of Scent A Story of Perfume Obsession & the Last

Luca Turin was born with an uncannily powerful nose, able to distinguish the components of any scent, from the world's most refined perfumes to the air on the New York subways. A scientist, he kept his powers...czytaj dalej
