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Gatunki literackie: Medycyna i zdrowie

Block - popularne książki: Color Atlas of Dental Implant Surgery, Practice of Ultrasound A Step-by-step Teaching Guide,

Block - najnowsze książki: Color Atlas of Dental Implant Surgery, Practice of Ultrasound A Step-by-step Teaching Guide,

7 osób chce przeczytać książki autora

Block - twórczość

Okładka - Color Atlas of Dental Implant Surgery
Color Atlas of Dental Implant Surgery

The Atlas of Dental Implant Surgery demonstrates how to achieve the best possible surgical and aesthetic results when placing implants. This descriptive and practical guide appeals to the dentist/oral surgeon...czytaj dalej

Okładka - Practice of Ultrasound A Step-by-step Teaching Guide
Practice of Ultrasound A Step-by-step Teaching Guide

This highly practical self-teaching guide teaches you how to perform and evaluate the ultrasound examination of the abdomen with no prior experience!Key features:- Clear and concise study units for effortless...czytaj dalej
