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Gatunki literackie: Socjologia, filozofia, Medycyna i zdrowie, Ekonomia

Black - popularne książki: Medical-Surgical Nursing 2 vols, Introduction to Accounting, War & the New Disorder in the 21st Century,

Black - najnowsze książki: War & the New Disorder in the 21st Century, Introduction to Accounting, Medical-Surgical Nursing 2 vols,

10 osób chce przeczytać książki autora

Black - twórczość

Okładka - War & the New Disorder in the 21st Century
War & the New Disorder in the 21st Century

The second edition of Jeremy Black's 'War in the New Century' has been completely revised in the light of recent events in Iraq and Afghanistan. Jeremy Black's book prophetically explores the realities of war...czytaj dalej

Okładka - Introduction to Accounting
Introduction to Accounting

Introduction to Accounting and Finance is ideal for business and accounting students at undergraduate and postgraduate level.  This book offers an accessible introduction to accounting, ensuring that the student's...czytaj dalej

Okładka - Medical-Surgical Nursing 2 vols
Medical-Surgical Nursing 2 vols

Each edition of Medical-Surgical Nursing has not only covered new developments in nursing, it has actively anticipated trends and advances. The 7th edition keeps readers on the cutting edge with the very latest...czytaj dalej
