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Essentials of Pediatric Diagnosis & Treatment
William Hay Wydawnictwo: angielskie

ż 600 common or important disorders or syndromesż Popular one-page Essentials formatż Each disorder includes the following: DiagnosisDifferential DiagnosisTreatmentPearlReferenceż Tabbed for quick referenceż... czytaj dalej

Anesthesia & Orthopaedic Surgery
A. Boezaart Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The text is supplemented with numerous evidence-based algorithms, tables, and management boxes. This title is intended for clinical anesthesiologists; anesthesiology residents; and orthopedic surgeons. Author... czytaj dalej

Pharmacokinetics Made Easy
Birkett Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This volume features a collection of published articles that appeared in 'Australian Prescriber' on the subject of pharacokinetics. It aims to make the subject more accessible to its non-specialist audience... czytaj dalej

Modern Applied Biostatistical Methods Using S-Plus
Steve Selvin Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Statistical analysis typically involves applying theoretically generated techniques to the description and interpretation of collected data. In this text, theory, application and interpretation are combined... czytaj dalej

Oxford Handbook of Tropical Medicine
M. Eddleston Wydawnictwo: angielskie

"The Oxford Handbook of Tropical Medicine" provides clear and concise coverage for practitioners and students in the tropics. Medical conditions are ordered by system except for the five major tropical... czytaj dalej

Concise Text of Neuroscience
R. Kingsley Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Although each chapter has been heavily revised, this edition of Concise Text of Neuroscience adheres to the goals of the first edition--providing practical, concise, and integrated information on neuroscience... czytaj dalej

Phlebotomy Essentials
McCall Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Thoroughly updated and enhanced by new print and electronic ancillaries, this full-color text provides accurate, practical information and instruction on phlebotomy procedures with a comprehensive background... czytaj dalej

Burkharts View of the Shoulder
Burkhart Wydawnictwo: angielskie

From a world-famous pioneer in arthroscopic shoulder surgery comes the first step-by-step "how-to" guide to advanced techniques in shoulder arthroscopy. Dr. Burkhart describes the innovative techniques... czytaj dalej

Williams-Beuren Syndrome
C. Morris Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Williams-Beuren Syndrome offers concise, comprehensive coverage of Williams-Beuren syndrome (WBS) research and its clinical implications, including its genetics and molecular biology, neurobiological and behavioral... czytaj dalej

Clinically Relevant Electrocardiography
Schiavone Wydawnictwo: inne

This book aims to offer readers of various educational levels and clinical foci the opportunity to learn electrocardiography from basic recognition of tracings and terminology to a deeper understanding of fine... czytaj dalej