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SAGE Handbook of Performance Studies
D. Madison Wydawnictwo: angielskie

D Soyini Madison and Judith Hamera Introduction: Performance Studies at the Intersections / PART ONE: PERFORMANCE AND THEORY / Della Pollock Introduction: Performance Trouble / Jose Esteban Munoz Stages / Rebecca... czytaj dalej

Total Quality Management in Education
Mukhopadhyay Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This is the revised edition of the successful first, published in 2001. It covers the philosophical underpinnings of total quality management, its instrumentalities as well as methods of strategic planning... czytaj dalej

Chemistry Fundamentals Environmental Perspective
P. Buell Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Intended for undergraduate students with majors outside the sciences, this textbook assumes little or no previous familiarity with chemistry. Emphasizing the role of chemistry in the understanding of environmental... czytaj dalej

Improving Schools in Exceptionally Challenging Circumstances
A. Harris Wydawnictwo: inne

Working in the challenging context of inner city areas on accelerated school improvement does not allow time for reflection. Learning occurs experientially but it is not easily consolidated or refined. School... czytaj dalej

Arabidopsis Laboratory Manual
D. Weigel Wydawnictwo: inne

The thale cress Arabidopsis thaliana is increasingly popular among plant scientists - it is small, easy to grow, and makes flowers, and the sequence of its small and simple genome has been completed. This is... czytaj dalej

Transcriptional Regulation in Eukaryotes
M. Carey Wydawnictwo: inne

In the genome era, the analysis of gene expression has become a critical requirement in many laboratories. But there has been no comprehensive source of strategic, conceptual, and technical information to guide... czytaj dalej

Prion Biology & Diseases 2e
Stanley Prusiner Wydawnictwo: inne

Provides an authoritative source on recent research in the study of prions, which are implicated in spongiform encephalopthies such as kuru and bovine encephalopathy. Early chapters provide an introduction... czytaj dalej

Classis Works in RF Engineering Combiners Couplers Transform
Myer Wydawnictwo: inne

The growing interest in commercial RF applications and high-frequency engineering has triggered a scramble for fundamental design and analysis information, which until now has been largely scattered in the... czytaj dalej

Verification of Computer Codes in Computational Science & En
P. Knupp Wydawnictwo: inne

Clearly demonstrates the value of Order Verification via the Manufactured Solution Procedure and offers a detailed guide to its implementationPresents examples involving codes that solve Berger's and the Navier-stokes... czytaj dalej

R. Kahle Wydawnictwo: inne

This is a compilation of articles about intentionality in philosophy, logic, linguistics, and mathematics. The articles approach the concept of intentionality from different perspectives. Some articles address... czytaj dalej