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Diving & Snorkeling Pacific Northwest 1e
Edward Weber Wydawnictwo: angielskie

22 dive sites in the Puget Sound and the San Juan Islands in Washington State and British Columbia's Canadian Gulf Islands, Vancouver Island, Quadra Island and Queen Charlotte Straits. Dive highlights: Kelp... czytaj dalej

Rarotonga & Cook Islands TSK 5e
Errol Hunt Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This text explores the reefs, jungles and mountains of this island chain as well as details on how to reach isolated destinations. Historical and cultural background and coverage of important traditional and... czytaj dalej

Podróże przewodnik po najpiękniejszych miejscach świata
Man John Schuler Chris Wydawnictwo: Elipsa

Jest to książka zarówno dla nieustraszonych odkrywców, jak i wędrowców wyobraźni nie wstających z foteli. Stanowi ona inspirujący przewodnik po 50 najbardziej malowniczych miejscach świata. Są wśród nich takie... czytaj dalej

Spain TSK 6e
Damien Simonis Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Written by resident authors, this work talks about the walking tours through various major cities in Spain. It includes an outdoor activities section as well as a Camino de Santiago section. Whether you're... czytaj dalej

Walking in Britain 3e
S. Bardwell Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Includes walks throughout England, Wales and Scotland. This work also contains two-colour contour maps for every walk. It offers accommodation and transport information, with a colour section on the best walks... czytaj dalej

Diving & Snorkeling Papua New Guinea 1e
T. Rock Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Smoking volcanoes, lush lowlands and over 600 islands rimmed with coral reefs support a marine biodiversity in Papua New Guinea (PNG) that is unequaled anywhere else in the world. The warm Solomon and Coral... czytaj dalej

Zambia TSK 1e
David Else Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Discover Zambia with Lonely Planet: Whether you want to gaze in awe at Victoria Falls, ride the rapids of the mighty Zambezi, watch wildlife without the crowds, or sip sundowners at sunset, this guide is your... czytaj dalej

Austria TSK 4e
Bedford Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Slalom the ski slopes at Kitzbühel, hike the trails through the Tyrol and explore the musical heritage from Salzburg to Vienna. Whether you?re here for the cities or to fill your lungs with pure mountain air... czytaj dalej

Denmark TSK 4e
Glenda Bendure Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Explore fairytale castles, trace the footsteps of Vikings and stroll long sandy beaches -- let the romance of Denmark sweep you away. Whether you crave the designer cool of Copenhagen or to escape from the... czytaj dalej

Glenda Bendure Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Follow the heartbeat of America through towering forests, undulating fields, pulsating metropolises and offbeat oases. Whether day-tripping from the Big Apple's core or dreaming of the California Coast, this... czytaj dalej