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I'm Nobody! Who Are You?
Dickinson Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Introduce your young poet to one of the greatest American poets with this wonderful collection. Over 100 poems highlight the imagery and lyricism of Dickinson’s verse, from famous favorites like “Hope is the... czytaj dalej

My Fir Action Rhymes
L. Cravath Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Traditional action rhymes, such as "If You're Happy and You Know It" and "Where Is Thumbkin?" are illustrated and described, encouraging participation by young readers to act out their favorite... czytaj dalej

Magic School Bus #15 Voyage to the Volcano
Stamper Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Hi, I'm Dorothy Ann, one of the kids in Ms. Frizzle's class. When we started learning about volcanoes, I thought we'd just be studying them in books -- but Ms. Frizzle had other ideas. She took us all the way... czytaj dalej

Messy Bessey
P. McKissack Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Bessey finally cleans up her messy room. ... czytaj dalej

Cambridge Introduction to the American Short Story
M. Scofield Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This wide-ranging introduction to the short story tradition in the United States of America traces the genre from its beginnings in the early nineteenth century with Irving, Hawthorne and Poe via Fitzgerald... czytaj dalej

In Distant Fields
Bingham Wydawnictwo: inne

Christmas 1913. Kitty and Lady Partita are best friends despite vastly different backgrounds. Partita has invited her friend, Kitty, to stay at her ancestral home, Borders Castle. The grandeur of Partita's... czytaj dalej

Science Experiments You Can Eat
W. Cobb Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Children learn basic scientific principles through fun, entertaining experiments, concocting their favorite edible treats, such as rock candy, hot beverages, and more.... czytaj dalej

Black Eagles African Americans in Aviation
Jim Haskins Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Shares the heroic history of notable African Americans who have made names for themselves in the field of aviation, from the first days of flight to the space program, and describes their struggles with racism.... czytaj dalej

Jigsaw Jones #04 Case of the Spooky Sleepover
R. Jordan Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Early chapter book readers figure things out along with clever, dependable, puzzle-crazy Jigsaw Jones. With the help of his Top Secret Detective Journal and his ace partner, Mila, Jigsaw is hot on the trail... czytaj dalej

Magic Tree House #09 Dolphins at Daybreak
M. Osborne Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This early chapter book series features a magical, book-filled tree house that transports two children back in time. "An entertaining blend of fact, farce and fantasy."-Booklist.... czytaj dalej