Studies in Law Politics & Society v32

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This volume of Studies in Law, Politics, and Society presents a diverse array of articles by an interdisciplinary group of scholars. Their work spans the social sciences, humanities, and the law. Those scholars examine the nature of family and the intersection of family and law, the way contexts shape legal actors, and the nature of rights and resistance. The articles published here exemplify the exciting and innovative work now being done in interdisciplinary legal scholarship.

Informacje dodatkowe o Studies in Law Politics & Society v32:

Wydawnictwo: angielskie
Data wydania: b.d
Kategoria: Socjologia, filozofia
ISBN: 978-0-7623-1097-5
Liczba stron: 0


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Studies in Law Politics & Society v32 - opinie o książce

Inne książki autora
Studies in Law, Politics, & Society
A. Sarat0
Okładka ksiązki - Studies in Law, Politics, & Society

This volume of "Studies in Law, Politics, and Society" presents a diverse array of articles by an interdisciplinary and international group of...

Capital Punishment
A. Sarat0
Okładka ksiązki - Capital Punishment

Along with the right to make war, the death penalty is the ultimate measure of sovereignty and test of political power, and capital trials are today the...

Zobacz wszystkie książki tego autora
Recenzje miesiąca
Upiór w moherze
Iwona Banach
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Andrzej Pupin
Szepty ciemności
Księga zaklęć
Agnieszka Rautman-Szczepańska
Księga zaklęć
Joanna Jagiełło
Strach ze strychu
Radek Jakubiak
Strach ze strychu
Draka na Antypodach
Katarzyna Ryrych ;
Draka na Antypodach
Strefa interesów
Martin Amis
Strefa interesów
Stajnia pod Lipami
Magdalena Zarębska ;
Stajnia pod Lipami
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