Pride and Modern Prejudice

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What happens when Jane Austen’s immortal characters are thrust into 21st century Pennsylvania, with an all-male twist? Liam Bennet has always been a good judge of character, but when William Darcy is thrown into his social circle, everything spins out of control. Darcy is proud, cold, arrogant—and strangely captivating. When Liam’s brother and Darcy’s business partner start seeing each other, Liam cannot avoid this enigmatic businessman. But does he want to? As Liam struggles to find his identity in college and acknowledge his feelings, he must deal with the fortunes of his four brothers, his gossiping mother, and the possibility of a large inheritance that could save his family from financial ruin. Emotions come to a boil when George Wickham, a world-weary musician, stumbles into town and ignites a feud with Darcy. He threatens to expose a long-hidden past, and Liam must decide for himself who William Darcy really is and what he really wants.

Informacje dodatkowe o Pride and Modern Prejudice:

Wydawnictwo: inne
Data wydania: 2014-06-06
Kategoria: Romans
ISBN: 162798710X
Liczba stron: 246
Język oryginału: angielski


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Inne książki autora
A.J. Michaels0
Okładka ksiązki - Daisy

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