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Gatunki literackie: Popularnonaukowe, Literatura piękna

Scharf - popularne książki: Poland What Have I to Do with Thee..., Polarized Light in Liquid Crystals & Polymers,

Scharf - najnowsze książki: Polarized Light in Liquid Crystals & Polymers, Poland What Have I to Do with Thee...,

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Scharf - twórczość

Okładka - Polarized Light in Liquid Crystals & Polymers
Polarized Light in Liquid Crystals & Polymers

Polarized Light in Liquid Crystals and Polymers deals with linear optics of birefringent materials such as liquid crystals and polymers. It gives a survey of light propagation in such media with special attention...czytaj dalej

Okładka - Poland What Have I to Do with Thee...
Poland What Have I to Do with Thee...

Originally published in 1996 in a joint Polish-English edition by Fundacja Judaica, Krak=w. This English edition comprises an introduction and 19 collected essays and lectures written by Scharf, a Polish Jew...czytaj dalej
